由於州政府認為與影視公司合作,可以帶來就業機會及促進地方消費,因此競相爭取、追高合作價碼,製作公司在備受拉攏的情況下,也樂得遊走各州,貨比三家,來談的時候就秤斤論兩,不接受提高補助的時候就威脅出走,造成州政府的合作成本大增。另一個問題是,因為收視率爆紅的影集幾乎囊括所有的稅金補助,造成分配不均。根據2012年到2016年的估算,馬里蘭州提供6200萬美元的補助總額中,光是Netflix的『紙牌屋House of cards』和HBO的『副總統 VEEP』兩個影集的補助(在我的影片平台裡面都有完整收錄),就佔了96.5%的比例,其他的小製作公司則哭哈哈、長不大。
...Speaking of Frank: Excluding a graphic, disturbing sex scene at the episode’s conclusion — note: if you’re on the phone with your dad when your married lover starts pulling down your underwear, hang up, for the love of God — the Majority Whip stays mostly on the sidelines in Chapter 7....
House of Cards, in a nutshell: Everyone and everything is insignificant in comparison to the Underwoods. Longtime friendships, professional alliances, sexual dalliances, you name it — they’ll get tossed onto the Metro tracks the second they come between Frank and Claire, or between the Underwoods and what they want. Because Adam is a little slow on the uptake, Claire spells it out for him: “I will bury you.” Sure, there might not be a baby inside Adam that Claire could let wither and die, but girl will do the next best thing!
Meanwhile, Ayla continues to be an excellent journalist in unfortunate costumes (a tank top with armholes big enough to see half her bra? Come on now) and visits Tusk in St. Louis because she doesn’t feel like doing tabloid crap on the Underwoods’ front lawn. She’s onto something, and Tusk is rude and awful as usual, getting all up in her face, and trying to make her nervous by calling all reporters “parasites” and letting her know that “America can be just as dangerous as Tehran.”