2016年1月15日 星期五


The Law of Rule: Centralized, Decentralized and Distributed Systems

Figure 1 Centralized, Decentralized and Distributed Systems (Paul Baran, 1964)

Many debates on the merits and demerits of centralized, decentralized and distributed system of governance have been carried for a long time in Nepal but very few actually understand what these words really mean. Consequently, the best debating "experts" are able to sway our opinions based on rhetoric than on the basis of rational logic. Despite carrying profoundly different meanings and implications to the society we tend to view these word almost interchangeably, especially when it comes to decentralized and distributed systems. It has been noticed that even highly educated and politically veteran people also lack critical scrutiny of the implications of those systems. Sometimes, even scientific literature fumble. This article aims to clarify these terms in a hope that it will help people select social and political systems that represent the aspirations of the general public.

介 紹
Centralized System
Centralized systems have been in use for a long time such as in master and slaves based systems. The centralized systems directly control the operation of the individual units and flow of information from a single centre. All individuals are directly dependent on the central power to send and receive information, and to be commanded. The working arrangement of a centralized system is shown in Figure 1.A. In this system, individual units (represented by nodes in the figure), like local governments, are directly controlled by the central power. The local governments are forbidden to coordinate and work-together among themselves. Instead, each of them is obliged to follow the order from the centre.

集權式的體系已經使用了非常長的時間了,比如在主人與奴隸的體系中。極權體系中對每一個個人的作業控制及資訊流全部來自於單一的中央。所有的個人都依附在中央的權利來傳達或取得資訊,並聽從指令。集權式體系的工作安排圖示於《圖 1-A》。在這個體系中,個別單位(以圓點表示)譬如地方政府,直接由中央權力掌控。地方政府間禁止彼此間相互協調、協作工作,只能聽命於中央。

Decentralized System
The concept of decentralised system was developed after centralised systems. This system gave rise to the birth of hierarchical civil and military systems and, therefore, the birth of empires. In this system, political power is decentralised in a hierarchical order such that there are middle tier powers between the central and local nodes. For example, Panchayat regime in Nepal had decentralised the system by creating centre, regions, zones, districts and local bodies for the hierarchical control. In such decentralised system, one authority controls others directly below it and becomes controlled by the one directly above it. In doing so, the central authority can control the entire system. The working arrangement of a decentralised system is shown in Figure 1.B. Here too, the local governments are forbidden to coordinate and work-together among themselves. A decentralised system is also known as layered system or hierarchical system.
分權式體系的概念是在集權體系之後發展出來,這個體系也引發了後來階層式的社會組織和軍事體系的誕生,也因此產生了帝國體制。在這個體系下,政治權力以階層的指令,分權出去,因此在中央與地方節點之間,產生了中間層的權力者。例如,尼泊爾的評議會政權即透過建立中央、大區、區、特區及地方來進行分權,而做到階層式的控制。在這樣的分權體系下,每一個授權者直接控制其下屬的單位,且受上一層授權者的控制。在此情況下,中央的權力者便能控制整個體系。分權體系的運作方式,顯示在《圖 1-B》中。在這裡同樣地,地方政府是被禁止做彼此間橫向協調溝通及協作的,分權體系又稱為分層或階層體系。

Distributed Systems
Although this was the oldest system, its practice was dismantled by modern empires, which found the decentralised system to be in their advantage. The advantage was in the ability to divide and rule. The implementation of distributed system came into existence in modern times as a tool for the freedom seeking but militarily less-powerful entities to withstand the threat of an empire. The newly independent states in North America, for example, united together using distributed protocol to form the United States of America so that they could collectively counter the then British Empire.
Unlike a centralised system, which can be ruined by means of destroying a small number of nodes at higher up in the hierarchy, a distributed system has no centre. And to not have to depend on a centre for the functioning is the most prized asset of the distributed system. All nodes in a distributed system are networked on the basis of equality, independence, and cooperation. The lowest level nodes (authorities) can network with their neighbouring nodes using commonly agreed protocols, thereby building strong network that can be many times more resilient than centralised or decentralised systems. The greatest advantage of this system is that the resilience of the system increases with the increase in the number of participants. The working arrangement of a distributed system is shown in Figure 1.C. Here, the local governments are sovereign to coordinate and work-together among themselves. A distributed system is also known as layer-less system or hierarchy-less system. A distributed system uses lateral (horizontal) protocols based on equality of relationship as opposed to a decentralized system, which uses hierarchical protocols where a higher node must always control the lower ones.
不像中央集權,僅需摧毀高階的少數節點,即可毀滅整個體系;分散體系根本無「中央」可言。不需要依賴於一個特定的中央,而依然能夠運作,是分散式體系最大的好處。在分散式體系的每一個節點,都在平等、獨立和合作的基礎上,相互連結成網路。最低階的節點(授權者)通常採用他們共同同意的協定和鄰近的節點相互連結,進而建立成一個強大的網路,具備數倍於集權式或分權式的適應能力。這個體系最大的優勢在於其適應力會隨著參與者數量的增加而增加,分散式體系的運作方式顯示於《圖 1-C》,在這裡,地方政府們彼此間有充分的協作及協調的自主權。分散式體系也稱為扁平式或無階層式的體系。體系中的節點在平等、橫向聯繫的方式,而非分權式的垂直聯繫那樣,在上位者總是在控制著下位者。

The centralized and decentralized systems thrive on the use of authority. The concept of authority and subjugation inhibits the treatment of all humans as equal, which is against the principle of a truly democratic system. These systems emphasize the vertical relationship and weaken the horizontal ones. Consequently, the mutually-beneficial communication and collaborations among local authorities do not exist. On the contrary, distributed systems operate inherently in the principle of justice and equality of all. And this has been the ultimate goal of democracy, which in-practice has ironically been ridiculed by most of the existing systems in the world.


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