2016年7月13日 星期三




  Peter Sena II, Founder of Global Innovation & Design Firm Digital Surgeons, shares why leveraging machines for customer experience is smarter than we think.
  彼得席納,全球型的創新及設計公司 Digital Surgeon 的創辦人分享給我們,說明為何由機器來追蹤顧客經驗,會比我們想像的更加聰明。

Marketers have been trying to master personalization since the moment the gesture driven interfaces and small screens of mobile devices rendered desktop customizations useless.
  Who’s my audience? How do I personalize the creative? How do I personalize the offer? How do I figure out how to engage consumers in a more meaningful way? What can I show that’s going to drive purchase?
  Amazon wrote the book on personalization, using the comprehensive shopping data they have about each consumer to personalize everything from their homepage to the offers they receive—all with the goal to drive purchase behavior and increase loyalty.
  But just as personalization made customization look trite, smart(er) AI powered by machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) engines is poised to replace the personalized with the predicted in our user experience.
  Empowered by machine learning and natural language processing we can distill the unprecedented amount of consumer behavioral data now available to form predictive analytics that can begin to make sense of today’s fragmented consumer journey. When paired with advances in automation technology, these predictive analytics allow us to deliver tailored consumer experiences in real-time that put the personalized to shame.  
  The Devil In In The Defaults
  People overwhelming use default settings. Sure, there’s always a small percentage of power users, but most people take what is given to them. With that in mind, it’s not about customization or even merely personalization, it’s about the ability to have a predictive layer in your application that leads to perfect personalization.
  If we understand where and how our users are interacting with our experiences, we can make our messages, and how they are delivered, that much more relevant to their environment— after all the medium is the message.  
  Understanding a user’s context also has interesting implications for supply and demand, and improved pricing. As Economics 101 tells us, the fairest price occurs at the point where consumer demand matches product supply — supply increases, prices go down; buyers demand more, the price goes up.  
  了解使用者的溝通上下文,同樣會產生對供需來講有趣的含意,並有助於訂價。正如同一百零一條經濟學原理告訴我們的,最公平的價格發生在消費者的需求與產品供應相交的那個點— 供給增加,價格就會下降,購買者越多,價格就會上升。
  Demand pricing informed by digital inputs has been around forever, just think of the countless hotel and airline booking sites that price offers in real time based on market supply and demand.
  Or Uber’s surge pricing that raises the price of rides to match driver supply to rider demand. When there are more riders than drivers, increasing the price puts more drivers on the road to reduce customer wait times and improve its customer service.
  Uber’s head of economic research recently disclosed that riders are more likely to pay for surge pricing if their battery is low. Uber claims that they don’t use this information to gauge riders with low battery life, but it is an interesting glimpse into the ability of our digital products, informed by digital inputs, to understand the context from which consumers are making each purchase and how we can price offers based on predicted demand.
  While context is important, a message is truly predictive when it’s personalized based on intent — this allows you to not only understand what, when, where, and how, but why? To determine intent, strengthen your inputs and data warehouse by supplementing click-stream digital analytics with machine learning and natural language processing.
  The step from the personalized to predictive occurs when your user data is processed through a machine-learning library like Google’s TensorFlow to determine trends, or a natural language processing platform like IBM’s Watson that can actually generate consumer profiles. 
  If I’m a clothing store, I may warn a customer it’s going to rain, or simply tailor my sales messaging to emphasize they are missing their last chance to buy a pair of pants on sale that they keep browsing past.
  It is important to note that predictive tech can help eliminate the paralyzing paradox of choice that can occur now that the world of decision sits at our fingertips.  
  Predictive technology is even making a big splash in the B2B software industry, Salesforce’s CEO Marc Benioff spoke at the Forbes CIO summit in March and shared his belief that software that can analyze data and recommend the best course of action is the next wave of opportunity in his industry.
  預測性科技在B2B的商業軟體產業中也有很大的著墨,Salesforce公司的執行長Marc Benioff在三月份富比世的投資長高峰會中表示。同時他還說他相信軟體可以進行分析並認為最好的行動契機將會在下一波的產業機會中。
  This isn’t a hollow proclamation, Salesforce has walked the walk and acquired a number of machine learning and data startups in the last several years, including PredictionIO, MinHash, and Tempo AI.  Just two year ago, it spent nearly $400 millions to buy RelateIQ, an intelligent email client, calendar, and work dashboard that can automatically determine which salesperson has the best relationship with a client or predict when you need to start filing an upcoming project.
  這可不是一個空洞的宣言而已,Salesforce公司跨出步伐並且在過去幾年中,收購了一些機器學習及資料處理的新創公司,包括:PredictionIO, MinHash和Tempo AI等,就在兩年前花了將近400萬美金收購RelateIQ,一家整合智慧處理電子郵件、行事曆、和工作備忘面板的公司,它能自動地辨認出哪個業務人員與客戶維持著最良好的關係,或預測出你何時該推出新的專案計畫。
  Less Marketer, More Cyborg
  Automated predictive technology can and will enable us to provide the ideal consumer experience at each touchpoint.
  A well-oiled bot built with confidence matching, neural networks, and deep learning will soon be able to predict and deliver better consumer experiences. And when the bot isn’t as well-oiled as you hoped, a human customer service rep that takes over will be starting informed by deep insights about the consumer’s pain points and how they have made it through the journey thus far.   
  The purpose of data isn’t to collect it and assign it buzzwords, it should be used to solve real consumer problems, sometimes before they even happen.   
  This week I was at Starbucks trying to get a coffee and I couldn’t log into the app. How personalized the in-app experience was no longer mattered, if anything it just made me that much more upset that my rewards were out of reach.
  I let Starbucks know with 140 characters of fury.
  Okay admittedly I was polite, but that didn’t help matters because I received no response. I’m annoyed now and this interaction is going to leave a bad taste in my mouth (despite the delicious iced coffee).
  In the grand scheme of things, this is isn’t a huge deal, and it hasn’t kept me from drinking Starbucks everyday. But I’ve got a decent sized Twitter following, and if a certain percentage of them see the tweet, and that Starbucks didn’t respond, it is not hubris on my part to think I could affect purchase behavior.
  The experience economy has arrived and the hundreds, thousands, or in Starbucks case, millions of these touchpoints that regularly occur don’t shape your brand, they are your brand. Brands now stand in the center of the colosseum, subject to the will and favor of the angry connected mob. It’s impossible for any human marketer armed with social listening to stand their ground alone, but with the help of machines, they’ve got a chance.  
  Starbucks could have improved that touchpoint with smart error reporting that notified their technology team that my username had received an error message. Then, it’s just a matter of automating an apology.
  At the end of the day, it’s all about customer lifetime value. It’s about improving the relationships and messages that we create, about giving people what they want. And when consumers have complaints, concerns or issues, it’s about addressing and appeasing them with a gift.
  The idea of marketing customer service “cyborgs” fascinates me because since it’s half-human/half-machine. Theoretically, its got all the efficiencies and effectiveness of a machine, but also all the empathy of the human condition.
  What if there was a distinct hand-off pre-baked into the process? A consumer could begin chatting to a brand bot through Facebook messenger but once the bot—using natural language processing—determines that the consumer has a high lifetime value, a human actually picks up the dialogue.
  假使我們設計出一套全自動化的程序並且任憑它自己運作,那結果會怎樣呢? 某個消費者可能開始透過臉書messnger,對著一個品牌bot程式講一些話,一旦這個bot程式運用語言自然化程序,辨識出消費者有很高的體驗評價時,真人即可獲取這類的對話了。
  This would allow us to scale the one-to-one customer service conversation that the consumer craves. A human experience, but all the grunt work is provided by a smart AI that understands how to analyze inputs to determine the outputs that will drive positive outcomes.
  And of course, the brand with the most positive consumer experience wins. Amazon was first to market, but I’m willing to bet that Google Home will ultimately overtake Alexa for market share because we all use Google Search, GMail, Calendar, Apps, and maps. Home will have a better understanding of the end-user and the context to provide predictive—not personalized—experiences.
  當然最後是能取得顧客最正面體驗評價的品牌勝出。Amazon目前居於領先地位,但我相信Google Home最終將取代Alexa獲取市場佔有率,畢竟我們大家都使用谷歌搜尋、Gmail、行事曆、應用程式及谷歌地圖。Google能更瞭解終端使用者並依照來龍去脈作出預測,而非「個人化」的體驗。
  As for executing personalized messaging, virtual assistant Amy, from Dennis Mortensen andX.ai, has proven that the technology is there to create intelligent agents, not bots, that can complete tasks from end-to-end. Providing seamless service, Amy coordinates and schedules meetings without any oversight. Once the agent is CC’d on a relevant email, it takes care of the rest.
  至於處理個人化的訊息,來自Dennis Mortensen和X.ai人工智慧系統,虛擬助理Amy已經證明科技創造的目的是智慧代理,而不是完成終端對終端的bot程式。提供無縫接軌的服務,Amy無需任何監督的情形下,便可協調排定會議日程,只要將郵件CC給她,其他都可以交給她搞定。
  Operator is an iPhone app that gives users recommendations based on their personal taste. Users text Operator a request and the app connects them with a (actually human) expert that asks follow up questions. Not surprisingly, the app is headed by Uber Co-Founder Robin Chan who understands the “uberification” of today’s consumers who crave “one tap” solutions to the problems that occur in micro-moments.
  Operator是一項iPhone的APP,可以根據個人喜好給消費者提建議。使用者寫下一項要求,APP便會連線到一個(真人的)專家來跟進這個提問。這項APP毫無意外地是有Uber優步的共同創辦人Robin Chan所領軍的,特別是他瞭解到現今的「優步化」的消費者,如何希望在片刻之間便能快速地得到問題的解決答案。
  A machine could start, or finish the customer journey and reduce the number of steps required from both the consumer and their support representative. The more we can use data to inform and educate, the more we can create valuable customer service relationships.
  Humans aren’t going to be replaced any time soon, but maybe it’s time we let machines do even more of the work.

